The chunk of light that served as my inspiration.
To my extreme delight, the sky slowly changed while I was focused on the windows. Where it was a bland patch of clouds before, with the peek-a-boo happening on the windows, the clouds shifted and the light broke out and the whole sky lit up in just astonishing pastels and swirls. My attention sufficiently diverted, many photos of the clouds/sky were taken.
Usually when I see a fantastic sky I am out of luck because by the time I get my camera ready the light or clouds have shifted and it is no longer interesting. Such a stroke of luck this evening.
Currently I am eating dinner. Tonight? Chicken burger and fries. I'm branching out! I mean, this is something I normally eat but not something I've made for myself here yet. While walking through the grocery store today I stopped and went "Hey I can make chicken burgers", so I set out to find them. That was a roaring success, but then the chip aisle ruined everything, again. Why oh why can't Joyce's just keep a regular supply of chips? There are different brands every time I'm in there! Oh, and by the way, what is with all of the cheese flavored chips here? I love cheese but not in my chips >:O I ended up buying a Cheddar and Sour Cream flavor. It's not very good. They also have a (very popular and common) Cheese and Onion. But no Sour Cream & Onion. What?? They have Doritos, but only in 10 packs of snack bags, and even then only Nacho Cheese flavor, not Cool Ranch. Bums me out.
I had a really nice talk with Louise today (she works for International Internships, she's the company contact for Ireland). I gave her a very thorough rundown of my goings-on as of late and we talked more about the visa that I'll be applying for once I return State side. She gave me further reassurances that there's nothing to worry about, just a matter of getting it started! A nice thing to hear. We spoke a bit about jobs and places to live. I'd love to live closer to the city center next time and she said that won't be an issue. I can most likely live in Knocknacarra Park again if I can't find anything in the city, so there's no worry! If I can't find anything related to photography for a job then I can waitress :O So getting a job shouldn't be a huge issue either. Of course I would prefer to work in photography, we shall see. To end this paragraph I will say that Louise is so. awesome.
Today has been pretty nice. I slept in as much as I could and then just laid in bed for a long time while watching Friends. That was nice. I had a few things to catch up on here at the house including cleaning my room and doing some laundry. I was very leisurely about getting ready and treated myself to a decent ,if polish-less, manicure! haha The suspicious bruise on my shin is turning a great green color, I spent a lot of time inspecting it. That and my tattoo. It has healed nicely! Always a good thing. I also made my bed and sewed a button back onto a shirt and went to the grocery store. Productivity! I should have saved something for tomorrow heh xD
Actually I'll have plenty to do tomorrow. My conversation with Louise was very good in reminding me of things that I want/need to take care of. It has been suggested to me by a few people that I should create an etsy shop and sell my photos. I kept saying I would start it later, later, after graduation, later, after I get back from Ireland, etc etc. Well, I decided it wouldn't hurt to create the shop and start doing research regarding prices, structure and printers in the area in Washington. I can also start to sort out which photos I'd like to put up. That way once I return I can start uploading and telling people. "A good way to save money for Ireland", Louise said. And she is right (so long as it works). I can continue to do it once I return to Ireland as well, so long as I get a smooth system running! I'm excited :)
I think tomorrow I'm going to walk to Salthill. There are a few places around there, including the shop that Brad uses for printing, that I want to locate. The forecast says rain, but it might not! I'll walk the Prom again and actually remember to kick the wall this time (I hope!!). If it rains it had better pour, that way I can get some angry ocean photos.
I can't decide which one I like best so I'm posting all of my favorites. I have two more, so they're just tacked on at the end here. The last one is my 365 for today.
Ta da!
61 days! It's been over two months since I saw you? No wonder I miss you so much!
OK I don't know why that last comment says anonymous instead of my name :-)
Perhaps you weren't logged in? xD I wondered who that was from and was bewildered until I saw your follow up comment! I miss you too :)
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