Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ireland Day 20 - The Cliffs of Moher

That should sum it up! But it doesn't.

This blog should be very long and detailed, but I'm afraid it'll be skimpy tonight and I'll be filling in the details tomorrow. Sorry!

We took an O'Neachtain day tour of The Cliffs of Moher. The tour also visits The Burren and drives through many nice locations. It stops at an Abbey as well as a Castle and a nice little pub for lunch.

I took about 500 photos today. That is going to take me a while to edit through. After arriving back in Galway from the tour I decided I really wanted a drink. Emily, Maisa and I went to the Quays and hung out, eventually being joined by Kenny, Dave and Oien (Oein?). Emily and Maisa are going to the races tomorrow so they didn't want to stay out late. I am apparently foolish, so I decided to stay out a bit longer. The evening was full of ridiculous youtube videos, such as this gem that Andrew shared with me the other day. I used to be totally in the internet loop, I have fallen out a bit. I must fix this.

The Irish people don't like my preferred music either. Apparently I suck for not liking Audioslave, but I say they suck for not liking Nine Inch Nails. We shall agree to disagree.

The Cliffs of Moher are amazing. It feels great to have finally gone out and see something monumental like that. The tour guide was great and overall it was a fantastic experience. We made a few stops on the way, as mentioned above, and had a decent amount of time at each place to take pictures. I took so many pictures. The bus was comfortable enough, but I could have lived without the narrow death wish roads. Once we arrived it was absolutely worth it. We didn't have sun, but we didn't have rain. Visibility was great and the clouds were fairly interesting. Snap snap snap. I felt like I was about to fall off every second that I was walking. It was a bit horrifying. Most places there was a decent amount of space to walk comfortably, but every so often there was about 2 and a half feet of walkway and then certain death plummeting down. I was holding the wall as often as I could. I took the video camera as well as my Nikon, so there's lots of documentation to share :)

I'm drawing blanks of the day because I'm tired. I will edit this with more detail later, as well as more pictures. For now, only one.

They were spectacular.


9:23 am: 33 bus: On our way to town. Cliffs of Moher here we come!

9:25 am: 33 bus: The cows are standing, this means we will have sun!

9:56 am: walking: The sun!!

10:22 am: On the tour bus: Leaving soon!

12:22 pm: The Burren: This is an intense amount of limestone.

1:16 pm: Tour Bus: About 30/40 minutes from Doolin. Lunch there, then the Cliffs!

1:34 pm: Fitz's: Stopped for lunch! I'm hungry!

2:15 pm: Fitz's: Stomach is feeling iffy! Hopefully it passes.

2:44 pm: Cliffs of Moher: Aaah! So great! Looks just like the entrance to the cave where the locket horcrux was. (Fun fact! That IS the shot from Half-Blood Prince! Maisa looked it up when she got home)

3:16 pm: Cliffs of Moher: Astonishing how many people are getting too close to the edges.

3:49 pm: Cliffs of Moher tourist center: That was the strangest bathroom experience.

5:15 pm: tour bus: My butt is sore. I'm ready to stand.

7:04 pm: Da Tang Noodle House: The chopsticks here are weird.

8:08 pm: The Quays: There's a Mickey Mouse head in here! Intentional? Probably not.


1 comment:

Melanie Rowe said...

I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!

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